Operator 61 & Stealth Drops
What is Operator 61?
Operator 61 (O61) is the call sign of any person involved in this giving ministry and movement. So far, more than a hundred operations have been conducted by operator(s) at the Radio Coffee House since early 2022. It is linked to Isaiah 61:1-2a. That is where the call sign "61" comes from. O61 is focused on living out the calling Jesus spoke about in Luke 4:14-21. In those verses, Jesus was reading from Isaiah 61:1-2a and pointing to His calling and purpose. Things like giving good news to the poor, healing the brokenhearted, and offering freedom to people who are held captive by the darkness in this world. The bottom line is, O61 is proclaiming the year of the Lord's favor for everyone. We believe God is now calling other operators to be involved in this movement to bless more people in Jesus' name. That's where YOU come in...
What is the Mission?
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be praying for and meeting specific people that God has led you to. You will either be introducing them to Jesus or bringing them closer to Him through this encounter. At the end of each operation, you will have prayed with (or for) them, provided a financial or other God led blessing, and encouraged them by letting them know that God has not forgotten them.
Operational Brief
1. Pray for your next operation and ask the LORD to send you to the people and places where He wants you to operate.
2. Once you believe the LORD has given you the person or place to operate, start preparing your O61 stealth drop envelope/card if you are led to provide a financial blessing (more on that in the "Stealth Drop Kit" section). Whatever amount God has put on your heart to give for this operation, get that amount ready on a gift card or cash (using the largest bills possible to minimize the bulk of the envelope/card).
3. Head to the target location and meet the person that the LORD has led you to in order to start the operation. Remember to pray with or for them, give them the stealth drop envelope/card, and let them know God has not forgotten them.
*Please note: God may not let you know who the person is right away. Just be flexible and open to listen to Him and His "still small voice" for any changes to the plan. The LORD may use the first location only as a stepping stone to get you to move to another location or another person. Be prepared for that. Read "Previous O61 Ops" for some ideas and examples.
4. After the operation, as soon as you have the opportunity, pray again for that person, thank the LORD for allowing you to participate, pray for more operations, and write an After Action Report (AAR) for yourself (if you want to journal your operations). Basically, you just document what God is doing through you as Operator 61. It can be as detailed as you want it to be.
5. Finally, if you feel led by God to bring awareness to this movement, post pictures or videos of locations, stealth drop envelopes/cards, your personal operation briefs/debriefs, etc. to your social media accounts with the hashtags #operator61 #061 #stealthdrops. Please avoid recording the individuals or anything identifiable that can be traced back to them in order to maintain their privacy (unless you have received their expressed permission).
Previous O61 Ops
Some previous O-61 operations include stopping at specific restaurants chosen by God while driving through six different states. The following operations focused on Cracker Barrel restaurants.
First, we would pray about the next area we were going to be driving through (and the amount we were supposed to give).
Then, if we saw a Cracker Barrel restaurant, we would pray to confirm that God wanted us to stop. If so, we parked. If not, we kept driving.
If we parked, we prayed for the person (that only God knew at the time) and set up the stealth drop envelope before going in. On these operations, all but one ended up being a waitperson that worked at Cracker Barrel. Nevertheless, the LORD did something awesome at each restaurant.
Once inside the location:
1. We would walk to our table while praying for God to introduce us to who He wanted us to meet.
2. After being seated, we would meet our waitperson, make sure to get their name, and then make our food order.
3. When the food arrived, we would say the following: "We normally like to pray before we eat. Is there anything we can pray about for you or your family?" (We have only had one waitperson say no to this question. And praying for them this way is not awkward at all, surprisingly). We would also ask if they would like to participate in the prayer with us (about 75% would stay and pray with us.)
4. After the check was delivered, we would take care of the bill and place the stealth drop envelope under the signed check as we left.
5. Sometimes, the waitperson would catch up to us, thank us, and let us know how much that gift blessed them. But, our goal is to try to leave without being contacted so the only person they could thank in the moment would be Jesus.
Things God did during the O61 operations:
Once, a waitperson wanted us to pray to God for help with housing. Immediately after the prayer, a person at another table overheard and let us know that she was a housing specialist for an organization in the area. Her sole job was to help people who were struggling to find affordable housing. The waitperson and the housing specialist set up a meeting right there. God answered her prayer immediately!
During these operations:
- We have prayed for someone's very sick parent
- Provided a way for someone to visit their family during the Christmas holiday
- Provided a way for a person to purchase Christmas gifts for their two children
- Prayed over an unborn child
- Prayed for a person who recently had a miscarriage
- Encouraged and prayed for a person who was having a difficult time forgiving herself for having an abortion.
And the list goes on...
Now, the LORD is calling other Operator 61's to go out and bless more of His people.
Are you ready for your next mission?
Reach out to us at info@radiocoffeehouse.com if you have any questions or need some ideas on setting up your next operation.
Stealth Drop Kit
O-61 Card
The front of the O-61 card can be seen through the window of the envelope. The back includes related bible verses and a QR code for the person to learn more about O-61.
O-61 Envelope
This window envelope will fit the O-61 card and the cash or gift card. It will also comfortably fit flat inside a pant pocket, wallet or purse.
Scripture & Notes
This two-sided card (that also fits inside the O-61 envelope) can be added if the LORD leads you to leave a personal note or meaningful scripture for the stealth drop.